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Saving Results | Griffith Lab

RNA-seq Bioinformatics

Introduction to bioinformatics for RNA sequence analysis

Saving Results

If you are performing this tutorial on a cloud instance, everything will be deleted when the instance is destroyed! To package and download everything used or created during the tutorials you can do the following from your cloud terminal session.

First package and compress all of the directories and files in the ‘rnaseq’ directory

cd /home/ubuntu/workspace/
tar -czvf rnaseq_tutorial.tar.gz rnaseq/

Now you can download this to your own computer from here:

  • http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq_tutorial.tar.gz

To unpack this archive at a terminal session on your own Linux or Mac computer you can do the following:

tar -xzvf rnaseq_tutorial.tar.gz
Introduction to the Appendix | Griffith Lab

RNA-seq Bioinformatics

Introduction to bioinformatics for RNA sequence analysis

Introduction to the Appendix

This appendix contains supporting information for this workshop and in most circumstances will not be used directly by the students while taking the course. For example, it includes details on how we identified and prepared test data sets for the practical exercises, detailed developer notes on how the course AWS AMI was created, etc.